Recycle Operations

Washtenaw Community College's resource management practices are governed by the principles 载于 浪费的层次结构.

十大彩票网赌平台's 回收 Operation works to minimize the amount of recyclable material sent 对垃圾填埋场. 回收 is truly a campus wide activity which will only achieve optimal success if everyone is making conscious sustainable decisions when disposing of items. 回收 stations are located all over campus in classrooms, offices, public areas, and other locations. Typically each station consists of one bin for paper and card products, another for plastic, glass, and metal bottles and containers, and a bin 对垃圾填埋场.

十大彩票网赌平台 ensures that outgoing recycling material is clean and uncontaminated. “回收 Department employees sort all recyclable materials ensuring a high quality product is shipped offsite. Working with the 十大彩票网赌平台 community the Recycle Department endeavors to ensure everyone understands how their choices can have a positive environmental 影响.


The indoor recycling stations are always be 载于 same order left to right

  • Bottles Cans and Containers
  • Mixed Paper and Card
  • 垃圾填埋场

Green- Bottles, Cans and Containers

  • Plastic bottles and containers #1-7 - such as drink bottles, sushi trays, yogurt pots, 等. 用清水洗净即可.
  • Tin and aluminum cans and lids - rinsed well. Empty aerosol cans are OK.
  • Glass – bottles and jars rinsed well

Blue - Mixed Paper and Card

  • 新闻paper and junk mail mix, glossy inserts
  • Magazines, catalogues, paperback and phone books
  • Office paper, note paper, envelopes
  • 纸袋
  • Cereal boxes, and box board boxes and sleeves

Corrugated cardboard boxes too large for the bins should be set out for custodial services to collect


  • All residual waste placed in this bin will go 对垃圾填埋场

Please think carefully before placing items in the landfill bin, items will go directly 对垃圾填埋场 without sorting.

The most common error made is the placement of disposable coffee cups, both paper and 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料, in the recycle bin. Coffee cups are not recyclable and residual coffee contaminates the whole bin. Please use a refillable/reusable cup whenever possible.


食物的混合机Food waste produced in kitchens and break rooms on campus can be composted in 十大彩票网赌平台’s Vermicomposting system. If you would like a Food Caddy for waste coffee grounds and filters, egg shells, fruits, and vegetables. Please contact the Recycle Department or place a FAMIS work order. The castings from the composting system are used in WTMC’s 核心的花园.


You will see a series of recycling stations outside close to building entrances.

Outside OE Building

Bottles and Cans via Green Bin

Bottles and cans go in the green bin outside. There is no paper recycling provided 在户外空间. Please take your paper indoors for recycling.


十大彩票网赌平台 Staff and Faculty can also recycle

Plastic bags and shrink wrap

Clean plastic grocery bags, refuse bags, and shrink wrap can be recycled

Bubblewrap, and Packing Peanuts

Bubblewrap and packing peanuts are collected by the Recycle Department for reuse. Please make sure all items are clean, dry and bagged.


Hard ‘snapable’ 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料 can be recycled.

Bag these items and leave them with you regular recycling for collection by custodial 工作人员.


Media and small eWaste

CD’s, DVD’s, and Floppies can be recycled.



十大彩票网赌平台 Generated 电池 are Recycled:  If you work in an area that produces many used batteries for recycling please ask about a collection bin. Alkaline, Lead Acid, and rechargeable batteries such as Nicad, NiMH, Lithium Ion, and Lithium button are all accepted.

十大彩票网赌平台 encourages the community to use rechargeable batteries instead of single life 碱性电池. Additionally, please do not bring batteries from home to recycle at 十大彩票网赌平台 this is counterproductive to our shared goals.

Resource Recovery Manager
Recycle Operations
Phone: 734-677-5312
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


设施 Management Staff

For items not found on the list that may be recyclable, please email your suggestions to the Recycle Operations Manager.
